การนำเสนอผลงาน : การประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติ ปี 2550
Arunsri Leejeerajumnean. 2007. Flavor profile of fermented soyfood: Tools for identificating broader market acceptance. Seminar and workshop on fermented soyfood in Asia- Status, research and opportunities. March 5, Shangrila Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
Leejeerajumnean, A. and Vongpiphan, S. 2007. Changes in iosflavones during soy yoghurt fermentation by Sreptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. 7 th International Soy Symposium, March 7-9, 2007, Shangrila Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
Leejeerajumnean, A. and Vongpiphan, S. 2007. Changes in iosflavones during soy yoghurt fermentation by Sreptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. 7 th International Soy Symposium, March 7-9, 2007, Shangrila Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
Reduction of contaminated microorganisms in dried bananas by ozone
Thirathumthavorn, D., S. Charoenrein and J.M. Krochta. 2007. Influence of glass transition on oxygen permeability of starch-based edible films. Poster Presentation in 10th ISOPOW Conference. 2-7 September 2007. Bangkok, Thailand.
González Azcárraga JC, Nagle M, Phupaichitkun S, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, Janjai S, et al. Effect of shifting practices on performance of a fixed-bed convection dryer for longan. In: Tropentag 2007 - Utilisation of diversity in land use systems: sustainable and organic approches to meet human needs, 9-11 Oct 2007. Witzenhausen (Germany): University of Kassel; p. 1-5.
Lapsongphol S, Mahayothee B, Phupaichitkun S, Leis H, Haewsungcharern M, Janjai S, et al. Effect of drying temperature on changes in volatile compounds of longan (Euphoria Longana Lam.) fruit. In: Tropentag 2007 - Utilisation of diversity in land use systems: Sustainable and organic approaches to meet human needs, 9-11 Oct 2007. Witzenhausen (Germany): University of Kassel; p. 1-5.
Nagle M, Habasimbi K, Leis H, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, Müller J. Availability and potential of local biomass resources as fuel for drying of tropical fruits. In: Tropentag 2007 - Utilisation of diversity in land use systems: Sustainable and organic approaches to meet human needs, 9-11 Oct 2007. Witzenhausen (Germany): University of Kassel.
Roman F, Nagle M, Leis H, Janjai S, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, et al. Investigation of solar roof collectors for preheating of air at drying facilities in Northern Thailand. In: Tielkes E, editor. Tropentag 2007 - Utilisation of diversity in land use systems: Sustainable and organic approaches to meet human needs, 9-11 Oct 2007. Witzenhausen (Germany): University of Kassel.
T. Choosri, W. Billes, J. Fischer, L. Geyerhofer, A.Jungbauer und M. Wendland. 2007. Thermodynamics of Protein Folding and Adsorption: Experiments and Molecular Simulation. Poster Presentation in 2nd International Symposium on Biothermodynamics, 21- 22 February 2007. Frankfurt. Germany.
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