Publication : International Journal (ISI)
Topic:Tamiya,  S., Koomyart, I., Kobayashi, T., Shiga, H., Yoshii, H., Khuwijitjaru, P. and Adachi, S. (2016) Preparation of liquid and solid seasonings with shrimp-like flavor from Isada krill under subcritical water conditions by steam injection. Food Science and Technology Research 22(3) 317-323
Author:Assoc. Prof. Pramote Khuwijitjaru, Ph.D.
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Silpakorn University Sanam Chandra Palace Campus, Amphoe Muang, Nakhon Pathom 73000
Tel 0-3424-2322 or 0-3410-9686 Press 209300
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