การนำเสนอผลงาน : วารสารนานาชาติ (ISI) ปี 2558
Parika Rungpichayapichet, Busarakorn Mahayothee, Pramote Khuwijitjaru, Marcus Nagle , Joachim Müller. (2015). Non-destructive determination of β- carotene content in mango by NIR spectroscopy compared with colorimetric measurements. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 38:32-41. DOI:10.1016/j.jfca.2014.10.013
Patchimaporn Udomkun, Marcus Nagle, Busarakorn Mahayothee, Donatus Nohr, Alexander Koza, Joachim Müller. (2015)  Influence of air drying properties on non-enzymatic browning, major bio-active compounds and antioxidant capacity of osmotically pretreated papaya. LWT - Food Science and Technology 60(2): 914–922. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2014.10.036
Schulze, K., Nagle, M., Spreer,W., Mahayothee, B.,  Müller, J. (2015). Development and assessment of different modeling approaches for size-mass estimation of mango fruits (Mangifera indica L., cv. Nam Dokmai). Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 114, 269-276. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2015.04.013
Sopark Sonwai, Pimwalan Ornla-ied and Tanapa Aneknun (2015). Lauric fat cocoa butter replacer from Krabok (Irvingia Malayana) seed fat and coconut oil. Journal of Oleo Science.64(4) 357-365. DOI: 10.5650/jos.ess14244
Jintana Wiboonsirikul, Yusuke Nakata, Takashi Kobayashi, Pramote Khuwijitjaru, and Shuji Adachi. (2015). Degradation of disaccharides containing two glucose units in subcritical water. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 10(5):681-686.
DOI: 10.1002/apj.1900
Patchimaporn Udomkun, Dimitrios Argyropoulos, Marcus Nagle, Busarakorn Mahayothee, Joachim Müller. (2015). Sorption behaviour of papayas as affected by compositional and structural alterations from osmotic pretreatment and drying. Journal of Food Engineering 157: 14-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2015.01.022
Intira Koomyart, Hironori Nagamizu, Pramote Khuwijitjaru, Takashi Kobayashi,Hirokazu Shiga, Hidefumi Yoshii, and Shuji Adachi. 2015. Compositions, flavour and antiradical properties of products from subcritical water treatment of raw Isada krill. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 50(7): 1632–163. DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.12799
Patchimaporn Udomkun, Dimitrios Argyropoulos, Marcus Nagle, Busarakorn Mahayothee, Joachim Müller. (2015). Single layer drying kinetics of papaya amidst vertical and horizontal airflow. LWT- Food Science and Technology 64: 67-73. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2015.05.022
Marcelo Precoppe, Serm Janjai, Busarakorn Mahayothee, Joachim Müller. (2015) Batch uniformity and energy efficiency improvements on a cabinet dryer suitable for smallholder farmers. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(8): 4819-4829 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-014-1544-y
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