การนำเสนอผลงาน : วารสารนานาชาติ (Scopus)
Udomrati, S., Tungtrakul, P., Lowithun, N. and Thirathumthavorn, D. (2022). Rheological properties of pastes and gels of rice flour with varied amylose contents. Science, Engineering and Health Studies. 2630-0087
บทคัดย่อ:The rheological behaviors of gelatinized pastes and gels, respectively, prepared from 5% w/w and 30% w/w rice flour with varied amylose contents and obtained from different rice varieties, were monitored using steady shear and dynamic shear rheological determinations. All of the gelatinized pastes (5% w/w) exhibited a shearthinning behavior and a less solid-like behavior (storage modulus (G′) <100 Pa). RD41, which had a high amylose content, had the lowest viscosity and G′ values at low flour concentration (5% w/w due to low amylose leaching and lack of gel formation. When its concentration was increaseds to (30% w/w, RD41 formed the firmest gel, compared with the rice varieties with low (PT1 and RD43) and intermediate (KTH17) amylose contents. The G′ value for all samples produced from 30% w/w flour was considerably higher (200-4,000 times) than that of the system produced using 5% w/w, indicating gel formation; the exception is RD6 (glutinous), which remained to be a flowable paste. The results showed a positive linear correlation between G' and amylose content. Rice variety, amylose content, and flour concentration were the factors affecting the rheological behaviour of rice flours.
ผู้จัดทำ:ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ดวงใจ ถิรธรรมถาวร
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